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Stop Posing as a POC on Social Media 

As a Latinx person I find myself faced with a lot of racism. As a mixed Latinx person I also find myself in interesting situations where people in all white spaces think that no one of color is looking or sees the racism they are taking part in. This has led to me seeing a darker side of racism that I did not think I'd ever experience.

As a POC I also find myself caught in a scary situation when those times arise. Why? Because of white anger. See, the thing that has happened to me time and time again is that when I speak up white people feel their "safe space" has been invaded. I quickly get blamed for hiding the fact that I'm Latinx even if I've told them I am in the past. I also get the white tears, "We were just trying to help, don't you want us to help your cause?" or "I have every right to do this because I'm a POC way back there and my roots come from a background of oppressed people." Even better, "You're just overreacting you're separating people, why can't you just admit we are all people? I don't even see color."

Another inevitable thing that happens... As a POC I'm talked over and shut down quick. Completely ignored and put in my place. Because as an all white space they know I'm ultimately not safe. I also stand the chance of losing a job or volunteer opportunity. So I unfortunately keep quiet, keep safe. Even though I recently left a position that had someone doing these things I still did not list that as one of my reasons for leaving for fear of white anger.

This leads me to the reason I'm writing this. There are two very disturbing trends I've recently become aware of that white people are participating in and makes our online spaces less safe.

Digital Blackface:

I know Digital Blackface has been talked about in regards to gifs and memes in the past, but it has not been talked about much when it comes to profiles.

I can tell you for a fact there are white people that make alternate profiles on social media to pose as POC. I recently watched one person that used to be close to me change one of their alternate accounts profile pictures to that of a POC. Why would a white person do this? Usually they want to be in spaces that are exclusively meant for POC or where POC's voices are amplified. They use this profile because they think that it is only fair. I've heard a few white people mention that they had to because... reverse racism. It isn't fair they aren't allowed. They deserve to be in our space. They deserve to say why they have been hurt. They need to know what we are up to, why else would they be excluded if we weren't up to something. In one group I saw a discussion where one person said they did it because they were sure all Latinx people were just hiding immigrants in the space and they needed to be reported to ICE. Scared yet? I am, I'm petrified. And while the person who runs the organization I left likely did not have anything that outrageous in mind they were still posing as a POC, which is not right.

Creating Spaces for POC:

As if literal Digital Blackface wasn't bad enough there is now a trend of white people creating spaces for POC and can Admin the groups on Facebook without any member knowing they are white. How can this be done? Public pages can now be added to Facebook groups and made Admins.

I have actively watched a white person make a case for creating a space for POC and linking a page to it so they could answer posts if "no one of color was available." All because their comment was deleted on a post in a group for POC. They saw it as an affront to them as a white person. I then had to watch a list of reasons why they felt they deserved a voice there and why they were burnt by their comment being deleted. Number one excuse... I'm part POC from way back there. It is in my family lines somewhere.

Even though I actively volunteered to help as a Latinx person and even offered input on a name for the group I was shut down. I was told POC would not search for the terms I suggested. As if I don't know what POC search for and quickly written off as maybe a possible Admin but they had to ask a couple of other token POC just to be there. Cause they needed faces that could take up the space and look good. Luckily two white people on the Admin team stepped in as allies mentioning the Admin team had to be all POC and it was not a good idea for any white person to step in. After that it was dropped. Never mentioned again, thank goodness, but this trend does evolve with actual groups created.

Those groups are then moderated by an all white Admin team behind the face of a public page.

A note to white people:

If you're a white person reading this and wondering why this is wrong I'd like to break down a few reasons why.

1) Posing as a POC online is never okay. It is the equivalent of Blackface.

2) You're posing in a position you've never been in and it is not ethical. As a white person you've never experienced the hate, violence, fear, attacks and so much more a POC has gone through. Your priviledge leaves you in a space where you cannot possibly relate to these experiences.

3) We don't need you to create spaces for us. We are fully capable of doing so ourselves. If you want to help, learn about why these spaces run by POC and for POC are important and educate others on why these spaces are vital.

4) You cannot help as an ally if you have no clue what we have been through.

If you're a white person reading this and wondering what you can do as an ally here are some things you can do to help.

1) Call out anyone posing as a POC online. Very often the POC in this person's life who knows of their alternate profiles cannot say a word for fear of being fired, bullied, ignored or ridiculed.

2) Call out those who plan to make groups under the guise of a POC. Let them know it's unethical and inappropriate. Refer them to POC in their organization who might be interested in starting a project. If that POC isn't up for it make sure they don't do it.

3) If you see a POC step in and say something stick up for them. Endorse their ideas about the situation.

4) If Digital Blackface persists leave any group or unfriend any person doing it. Let the person know what they've done wrong. Likely the POC involved have not been able to say a thing.

Overall, it's a very dangerous world for POC still. Don't make it more dangerous because you feel entitled.


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