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Why is today any different?

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Why is one day so much more different than the other? Why just a day ago no one would have suggested I let you CIO but then immediately at 6 months I have people asking me if I've started letting you cry?

As I look at you, my third child, who seems to need me so much more than your sister or brother ever did, I see no difference in you from the day before. You look up at me with trust in your cry. You know that while you cannot talk you can tell me you're feeling in need of help by crying out. My eyes meet yours and the trust has taught you that you can immediately respond with smiling eyes. As I pick you up the crying slows and we become connected as a cuddle turns to breastfeeding. Looking up at me with a silent thank you in your eyes, I smile.

I trust that you will feel supported and loved. You don't know what it's like to call out for the longest time and give up in exhausted grief. You don't know what it's like to be ignored because your parents believe you're manipulating them. You don't know what it's like to be left alone with a token from mom, a shirt, teddy bear I've slept with, or blanket wishing with all your might it was just simply mom. I promise you you'll never know.

I promise, just as I responded to your sister and brother I'll always answer. You'll be loved, cuddled and fed. I'll talk to you and stay up late through the teething, growing pains and so much more. Our journey started with trust and will continue with trust, because honestly your needs one day ago were no different or any less genuine than now.

To all my beautiful children, I'm always here to respond. You'll all grow up knowing you'll never have to cry alone in despair no matter your age.

-Anu M.


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